At some point in time across the past few months members of the Northern Hills Community Association and Harvest Hills Gardening Group crossed paths with respect to creating a Community Garden. If you do not live in Harvest Hills,
please do not let the name of the group scare you away, although it appears that our first garden will be implemented in Harvest Hills, it would be great to see this same initiative in every Northern Hills Community Association neighborhood (Harvest Hills, Country Hills, Coventry Hills, Panorama). The intent is to start with one garden this year and then use the experience, knowledge and resources gained from the first to help with others.
The initial stages of the Community Garden will involve a lot of planning, communication, building, and patience. If it sounds like something you are interested in please contact one of the following people:

The initial stages of the Community Garden will involve a lot of planning, communication, building, and patience. If it sounds like something you are interested in please contact one of the following people:
Construction being led by Deanna Stangness (contact
a. This is the largest and most complex piece and will include building the garden beds, securing soil, water hookup, as well as small equipment such as hoses and potentially a shed
Communication being led by Chris Roy (contact
a. This includes engagement of neighbours, school, church and other interested and potentially concerned groups
b. This group will be responsible for updating the garden blog and Northern Hills monthly newsletter
c. Garden signs
d. Organizing educational sessions and communicating safety guidelines
Administration being led by Joanne Davenport (contact
a. This includes gathering a user list, creating the gardener user agreement, assigning plots, collecting user fees and maintaining a waiting list
Is it possible, to go along with the garden idea, to get rid of the unsightly parking lot, which serves no purpose whatsoever, other than a "hidden" place for party goers, drug users and "a pee stop". (I live directly behind this parking lot and have seen it all!)
ReplyDeleteI feel that parking can be accomodated in the loop, for users of the park.
I think there are a few more things, such as a skating rink, that are being planned for the area that may require extra parking. Hopefully with increased use and traffic this area will become less...undesirable as 'a pee stop'.
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ReplyDeleteIncreased traffic in this area is not desirable to the residents affected. It is paramount that residents who live in close proximity to this proposed project be consulted.
ReplyDeleteThere has been a team of volunteers that have been contacting all directly adjacent residents, however if there are people you feel that have been overlooked we would be happy to spend time addressing their concerns. There are multiple contact points listed in the blog, as well as on the NHCA (Northern Hills Community Association)web site, and appearing monthly in the NHCA news letter. You can reach me directly at