In an apparent attempt to recreate the 90's craze of crop circles grafitti artists took to the field not far from the Harvest Hills pond. Of course this was just the apparent form, there was in fact method in the madness of the latest spray painting incident. Members of the community garden team were out on a chilly Thursday night to lay down a grid plan for garden box placement. Everything went very well, aside from a few setbacks caused by someone's (who could that be???) inability to distinguish between 2 and 3 feet measurements (whats a few extra lines between friends).
The city's parks and water departments have also marked our water lines out and helped us plan where we are going to get our blue gold from. If it wasn't for the city stepping forward I don't think alot would be growing in our near desert conditions, although I'm sure the planting boxes would still look lovely. Only one more week till construction, see you all May 29 weather permtting.
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