- We sent in our application to the City this week. The site requested within this application is at the north end of the existing green space on Covepark Square and Coventry Hills Way NE (directly across from the Middle School under construction). Many thanks go out to Adrianne for the hard work that she put in to the design (attached) and Lisa, Tammy, Teri and Carmen for visiting the neighbors of the garden site to answer their questions and get their support!
- We will be constructing 40 raised vegetable beds this year. We will also be adding some trees, shrubs and flower beds this year. This is a long term plan, and as gardeners we know we’re always changing and adding things, so there will be no shortage of work to be done every year to maintain and improve the garden.
- I expect to get the approval to go ahead by no later than mid April. There is a lot of work to coordinate if we want to plant by the end of May. On that note I am calling out for committee members to help champion this. There are four key elements outside of applications and funding which I will continue to coordinate that need committee members. They are:
- Construction – Adrianne will coordinate this but would love someone else to help. This organizes construction day – ordering of lumber, soil and bobcat. It organizes compost bins as well as a storage bin or shed as well as purchases of small equipment and hoses. (Please note that everyone wanting to rent a bed must volunteer on construction day(s).)
- Communication and Education – we are looking for someone to team up with Chris (with the Harvest Hills Community Garden ) to coordinate educational programs, provide blog updates for Coventry and coordinate signage for the garden. We would like this person as soon as possible to help coordinate a class on first time vegetable gardening.
- Administration – Susan will coordinate this and will maintain the user list, assign beds, coordinate the collection of fees and maintain the weekly volunteer list to water and mow.
- Extras – Lisa will coordinate this but would love someone to help her. This coordinates the tree and shrub purchase as well as the delivery and planting of these. They will also coordinate the planting and harvesting of the food bank and community beds.
That being said, if any of you want to sit on the committee please let me know as we don’t want to turn anyone away. Plans are to have the committee meet in early April to get all of this underway.
- The finalised user agreement will be coming shortly (it's in draft form right now but it shouldn’t change much). It may look lengthy to you but it is the standard contract provided to us by the Calgary Horticultural Society. Some major points include:
- 100% organic gardening methods are used
- An NHCA membership is required as they provide us with the majority of our funding
- Bed rental fees of $35.00 (4 x 8) and $50.00 (4 x 12) for the season
- We ask all gardeners to support with watering and maintaining common areas
- Susan and I will work out the logistics of collecting the agreement and user fees from you sometime in May
- If you have changed your mind and no longer want to be on the list for a garden plot this year please let me know as I have a steady stream of interested gardeners.
- Remember to watch the blog for updates. http://www.northernhillscommunitygarden.blogspot.com/
- Last but not least please save your newspapers and non glossy flyers. You will need these to place on the bottom of your bed – it kills the grass which we will not be digging up. If any of you work for a newspaper or know of someone who does – we could use roll ends; they really do the trick!
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