Saturday, January 29, 2011

Cold, cold...

and more cold. Oh and did I mention "the snow". It transforms from mere "snow" to "the snow" when you have to shovel more than 4 times in one day. With that and the holidays just barely in the proverbial rear view mirror it has been somewhat difficult for some of us to think green. I've been beyond reticent to tackle the blog for the past 2 months. Lately when trying to decipher the ramblings that fly by in my brain it seems that gardening is taking a backseat to winter survival techniques, especially when it's so cold that it hurts when you breath in. That of course is only the case for some of us. Behind the scenes, and snow banks, there has been an energetic group of gardeners steadfast in their mission to open a new garden in Coventry Hills this spring. I've heard some very exciting things are in the works and updates will be coming shortly.

But what has spurred me into action, and believe me that takes some doing, was a brief grocery shopping trip. Bundled up, ready to fight the snow, having to wait for the car to warm up, then forgetting my boots in the garage the night before and having my feet turn to icicles; it dawned on me that spring is just around the corner. What could possibly bring about such an epiphany as I awkwardly waddle through the store trying to recover from shoveling for a record 100th time this winter...a McKenzie seed stand being set up just beyond the cashier line. That's right it's time to toughen up and start thinking dirty thoughts...about gardening.

So I did a little checking around. Turns out there's a lot of people thinking about vegetables and flowers in Calgary. Check out some of these upcoming workshops at the Calgary Horticultural Society. I always find events that concentrate on local food interesting as well, Slow Food Calgary has some fun offerings, and Kingsland Farmer's Market is a new market in town that is owned and operated by local producers. Let your imagination run wild with that, as I try and gear up to keep you updated on Harvest Gardens' growing season.