Friday, July 29, 2011

And then there was green...

I guess it is a good thing when life is so busy you don't have time to blog about it. And in the case of the garden it would be a full time job trying to keep up with all that has happened this year. As a quick run down here are some of the exciting things:
  • fresh compost arrived to top up everyone's beds this spring;
  • new ornamental beds were carved out and planted (they look fantastic);
  • a raspberry bed also made its way into the garden, let hope for some berries;
  • we were lucky enough to be able to capitalize on the City of Calgary's Neighborwoods Program and now have some fantastic tree groves (I can see stretching out in the shade reading a book in a few years);
  • our compost bin was relocated and stirred;
  • we have a wonderful new shed built and painted (what a world of difference);
  • our centre piece was planted and continues to look amazing;
  • we've had a few battles with the water system (it wouldn't be any fun without challenges);
  • and last but not least the veggies are prolific, I know I am seeing considerable improvement from last year.
I haven't been able to get many pictures (included a few below) but it has been great seeing so many fellow gardeners tending their plots. Looking forward to running into you while trying to keep the lettuce under control. I feel a bumper potatoe crop coming on.