Tuesday, August 24, 2010

To sprinkler or hose, that is the question...

So Heidi was down at the garden and was nice enough to sprinkle for everyone. She said it was great minus the changes in wind that left her book, dog and self a little wet. I myself have sprinkled once but find it very cathartic to hose water every bed individually; this might be because I'm too disorganised to get a book and chair in order to enjoy sprinkle time. It turns out Joanne is also a sprinkle supporter. Which led the 3 of us to wonder, or atleast Heidi and I, what the preference is out there? Sprinkler or hose? Leave your comments below and we'll take an informal poll. Don't worry I won't have hurt feelings if we only get results for the three that have already put in their 2 cents, I'll use my tears to water the beds in any event. Of course we probably all prefer the good old fashion rain method.


  1. I like both but have to go with the hose

  2. I only tried the hose, which was a workout for me. I think it does a better job, maybe? But for easiness, sprinkle is the way to go I believe!

  3. Heidi said: I have used both, but to get the full effect the sprinkler system seems to do the best for the most and the shortest amount of time. Just remember to put the tap on full or you will come up short. Also the hose is great when you need to get the plants that need a little more more often, like the tomatoe plants.
